blue digital

Scanning and digitization Service

Convertion, digitization, indexing service of document to be able to manage,storage and use in electronic file. The electronic files will be ready in usage and searching. Our services provide on confidential and high security environment. Customer will benefit  on reducing  paper work  and storage  place of physical document  and faster in searching and working process.

The services  provide document classifying , sort document type, data entry/keying, Conversion file, upload digital output to system The file output will be match to the need of user and operation usage. Blue fish  also provide total solution in consulting and  Enterprise Content Management software (ECM)

blue digital

Data Entry and Keying in Service

Consulting and Data entry/Key in Service into customer system or prapare data to be input to customer system in back line. Blue Fish provide quality check process before uploading to customer system or submiting to customer.  The data entry support would be in any department such as customer order infomation, data entry to government system, financial data, statistic data, information in applications' form, transcript, education report, important document ect. Customer able to control the SLA. benefit to reducing operation work, focus on core business and contingency business. We responsible on working team, flexible on the work volume, manage the work follows the SLA.

Moreover the solution covers to : QC. on the conversion of electronic files that match to the usage of work type, uploading electronic file to customer system , consulting on document management software and consult on managing physical documents.

Preparation and digital indexing service

Planing on managing and store physical document . We will back support on customer document process in helping on planing or clearing any document work. Our support purpose to support customer focus on their core business, flexible on operation cost and process for the effectively result. The support able to helping organization document process, Accouting document process, Customer service , production, transportation document work flow, administration and sale department. Blue Fish provide consult and planing operation process with SIX SIGMA Concept and new technology  to support document flow to  accuracy , fast and efficiency.